Saturday 23 June 2012

Sharks and Whales

Here is the comparison between sharks and whales:

Sharks Whales
Lay eggs
Give live birth
Do not sleep
Attack their food and hunt
Do not attack
Do not raise their young
Stay with their young nearly six months
Not endangered species
Endangered species
Breed consistently in captivity
Do not breed as openly in captivity
Have one natural enemy; dolphins
Have one natural enemy; the Giant Squid
Have one of the smallest brains of any creature human size or larger
Have brains just barely bigger than sharks
Will eat other sharks
Do not eat each other
Do not spawn or migrate seasonally
Travel in groups with seasonal patterns
Do not surface to breathe
Must surface regularly
Can grow as large as an average the Blue Whale
10 times larger generally than the average Great White Shark
Do not technically hear for they have no ears, but do use a kind of sonar location
Have both sonar and auditory capabilities, but do not have ears
Have jumped aboard tuna schooners to attack both fish and fisherman
Whales do not usually jump out of the water unless at Seaworld and being fed a fish
Are most closely related to ancient Great White Sharks and have not changed at all in almost two million years
Are most closely related to Whales and their land roaming cousin the Elephant
Have an endless supply of teeth that grow back in days no matter how many are lost
Were hunted for their bones and teeth and some have tusks like Elephants
Mayan civilization had records and history that they knew what Sharks were
The Mayan do not have any history or make knowledge of Whales
The Egyptians had recorded knowledge of the existence of Sharks
The Egyptians do not have recorded knowledge of the existence of Whales.
The Vikings had recorded knowledge of the existence of Sharks
The Vikings had recorded knowledge of the existence of Whales
Have made more money at the box office in raw sales (Jaws)
Have made more money in the video, DVD, and rental sales of their movies (Free Willy)


Similarities and Differences Between Sharks vs Whales. In HubPages. Retrieved from

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