Sunday 17 June 2012

Happy Father's Day!!

Each relationship is unique. Everyone has a different story. But while I am sitting in a computer lab of a research vessel on the Pacific Ocean where no land is visible, I was just thinking how everything happened in my life. In the complex web of life, I think the basic denominator for me being here is my father.

I became an engineer because of my father; fixing, creating things, using tools or just bare hands.

…a physicist because of my father; by asking "why" things happen, he gave me the first seeds of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

…a teacher because of my father; having the passion to share what I know with others.

When I was five, during one of our walks, he told me that I could lie to anybody, but there is one person to whom I cannot lie: me. I learned to be honest.

When trying to find out what is right and what is wrong, he told me that the "right" can change depending on the conditions. I learned how to see things from different perspectives.

I wouldn't be me if my father was not my father.

Everybody has a different story. I hope you are able to share it with your father, or as a father, I hope you are deeply enjoying your day today!

Happy Father's Day!

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